Lithuanian and Polish Youth Exchange Project “Both Nations Historical postcard” aims to create conditions for young people, celebrating the centuries of Lithuanian and Polish statehood, to know and analyse the influence of the common history and cultural heritage of the countries on the statehood of these days.
During the exchange, the two countries youth groups will create “Both Nations Historical postcard” by means of dance expressions and exchange of historical knowledge. During the 6 youth exchange days that will take place in Lithuania in 2018, at the end of August, young people, using their artistic and creative abilities, will tell each other about the historical events in their country, which gave them the opportunity to live and create in free democratic countries. With the help of historical experts, they will analyse common historical narratives, discuss the significance of historical events not only for mutual diplomatic relations between countries, but also for communication and cooperation between Polish and Lithuanian citizens. By engaging in joint creative activities, working together, discussing and finding common solutions, young people will not only create five video clips in which they will understand the historical memory of both countries but also they will be able to create a new culture for young generation cooperation and understanding. Participants of the project will share their films and experiences with the peers in their countries, thus welcoming citizens of their country to the centuries of Lithuanian and Polish statehood.
Watch photos and video HERE.